Sunday, December 16, 2007

5:15 and no comments?

What is this, USA?

Tonight was the Tippett concert: piano concerto, A Child of Our Time. No complaints that I get to hear the latter again on Tuesday. What's more: one of the two performances of it will be released on an LSO Live CD. If it was tonight's you'll be able to hear Sir Colin cough and hear him hit his heels on the podium quite noisily after an exceptionally energetic entrance after a short moment of silence. Yet another exciting thing: during the concerto, I was in the very last seat on the right, second row. After the interval, I had my choice of 13 nearby empty seats. Thus, I moved one row up and sat in the middle of 5 empties. I was directly to his left. Perfect seat. I lie. Wednesday was perfect. Even more excitingness: as my things were still in my actual seat, I moved back during the clapping at the end. This meant that all the performers walked about 6 feet in front of me. Sir Colin just happened to look directly at me the last time he walked past. Like the loser I am, I waved, which caused him to do a double-take. I was mouthed, "hello!" Yay!!!! My evening was complete.

I must describe the pianist, though. Lang Lang: 25-year-old Chinese man, first public recital when he was 5, last minute sub for a world-premier piece with the Chicago Symphony when he was 17. Anyhow...when he was doing his curtain calls, Sir Colin attempted to let Lang Lang up on stage first, obviously. Each time he did this, Lang would try to grab his hand and pull him up. Much of Sir-Colin-doing-arm-circles ensued. When someone took Lang a rose, he gave it to the back row violin woman as he walked off of the stage. I found this amusing.

Yes. So I definitely have a cold, and it is very annoying, especially since I don't have any decent tissues. At least there isn't a blizzard here. Speaking of which, Aunt Wendy, what is the weather like/going to be like on Thursday?

Tomorrow: St. Paul's, maybe Tower...V&A yet again...something. I'd go see another musical if Gavin would be there to help me find a tube station (it's confusing in the West End in the dark, as I've never really walked through in the daytime to figure out my way around).


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are having a pretty exciting time at the concerts.

Anonymous said...

hey again. Hope you trying to stay warm while you are inside...I thought that I was going to get snowed in at work today, but I don't think that it is that bad in the GB...(god i love calling it that...). Hope all is well and that your travels are filled with warmth, literally, and a lot of tea. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Thursday will be in the 40's and maybe rain. There should be no problem landing in Dayton. Not sure what's going on in Chicago. You sound like you're having a super fantastic time.

Anonymous said...

I bought your x-mas present

Ashley said...

Oh, my...I forgot about Chicago...

Way to go, Josh! :) I need to drink more tea. I think all I've had so far was at breakfast in Scotland. I need to find you an exciting present.

Yay, Nancy!