Thursday, July 9, 2009

Feed the Birds.

Tonight's concert is Bruckner 9 at St. Paul's. It was a little more spine-tingling at the rehearsal hall yesterday, as it was a tiny space for big sound, but I'm sure tonight will be just as powerful when all of the idiotic tourists are gone. I showed up this morning prepared to pay the entrance fee to sit and listen to the rehearsal for 3 hours. The kind woman at the desk let me in for free, as I wasn't going to be going around looking at the stuff you have to pay to see.

After rehearsal, I decided to walk to Millennium Bridge to partake in some roasted nuts smothered in sugar. Tasty! Carmine accompanied me, as he had never been on the bridge. Tut tut! I was worried when I saw no vendor on the north side of the bridge. I decided to take the chance and see if there was one on the other side. I didn't see one, but we could smell it...he was hiding out underneath. I went up to him and said, "My day is complete! £2? He answered in the affirmative. He charged the next guy 3. Mwaha!

I mentioned yesterday's rehearsal. I'll take this chance to explain my trip to the hall. I've been there several times, but yesterday was the most adventurous. I was going to take the tube, but got to the station and realized my Oystercard was in my wallet, which was in the flat...along with my phone and my keys. It fell out of my bag as I shut it, but I didn't notice. Luckily I had my London map and had looked up the shortest route according to Google Maps. It said it'd take 45 minutes. I turned around and sprinted from a slightly farther starting point, and made it in 35. That's even including the chunk of time I spent relatively lost after taking a turn too early. I followed my nose and managed to arrive as Gergiev's car was pulling up! He has the habit of being violently late, though, so I guess that's not a good comparison. I was there 3 minutes before the scheduled downbeat.

I should have just waited until after the concert to post something, but I wanted to let Grandma D know that I took some oatmeal-choc-chip cookies to rehearsal last night. Several players said they were the best they've ever tasted! They went over quite well. I think I need to be hired as the LSO Principal Baker.


KMAD said...

We could use a baker here! <3

Aunt Wendy said...

We've been out of town, so just caught up on your movements around London. I've printed the last 2 reports and will take them to Gram. I'm sure she'll be excited to see her name in print!!!! You've been lucky with the weather, guess it couldn't last forever!!! Love You