Friday, June 27, 2008

Come and Meet...

those aching feet. I walked about 120 blocks today, which is about 12 miles. 110th to 103rd to Central Park, through part of the park up to the south end of it, where I walked over to 5th Ave, all the way to 45th, up Times Square to the 50th St. Subway which I took to 86th St., walked across the park on 81st St., walked around in the Met., met Kier at 91st St., walked to 70somethingth to eat, to the subway, to the hostel. Then I stood in line to check in for 40 minutes. You do the math.

As for the bus left 40 minutes late, arrived at Cleveland in time for us to run directly to the next bus when we got there, left Pittsburgh an hour late, and the bus driver was 20 minutes late on another stop. Still, we *somehow* managed to make it to NYC only 10 minutes past the scheduled time of 8:50 AM. Oh, how I wish I'd have gotten an earlier train back (11:15 PM Sunday night...ugh).

Now for the happier side of things. I took some nice pictures in Central Park. There were rose petals in the shape of a peace sign on the mosaic at Strawberry Fields. Exciting.

I walked down a street of piano shops where I played a pretty nifty Steinway. Got my picture taken with the Naked Cowboy! "You're alone? Well, that changes things!" Then I walked up to the Hello, Deli and gave Rupert a drawing. I told him I'd send him one when I had him sign one for me in March of 2007. He wasn't in there when I first went in, but the co-owner woman cooed all over it (but pointed out things that were slightly different in him from when the pic was taken and had me change them).

Before going into the Met, I sat outside and drew for a while. It was nice to get off my feet. Kier just happened to be at a museum a few blocks away from me when I called him from the Met, so I walked down and met him. The National Design Museum (they had a big Rococo exhibit). It's pride weekend...and I'm staying with Kier in the West Village...this will be interesting!

I feel like I'm forgetting important things. I guess I'll just have to mention them in my next post.

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